Staff Vacancies

Tutor/Kaiako Whaiaro 2025 position

(Posted 10 December 2024)

Te Maru Pūmanawa | Selwyn College provides both pastoral and academic support to tauira each year. Part of supporting academic excellence for tauira is through our academic programmes that include supplementary academic tutorials and a variety of workshops to aid the transition from secondary to tertiary level study.

We are currently looking for outstanding tutors/kaiako whaiaro to deliver structured academic tutorials to support the consolidation of knowledge and overall success of tauira while at Te Maru Pūmanawa.

Kaiako whaiaro provide weekly tutorial sessions in a selection of papers. These tutorial sessions will be delivered in innovative ways to respond to the various learning styles and levels of those attending. Additionally, kaiako whaiaro will hold expertise and knowledge in specific subject areas with the ability to communicate this knowledge effectively.   

We are currently looking for kaiako whaiaro in the following subject areas:

  • HUBS191 (S1)
  • CHEM191 (S1)
  • FINC102 (S1 & S2)
  • HUBS192 (S2)
  • BIOC192 (S2)
  • LAWS101 (FY)

For further information on the role, expectations and what we are looking for, please click here.  

Applications (a cover letter and two-page CV) are to be emailed to Tautaiolefue Brad Watson, Deputy Warden (E: [email protected]). Please include in the subject line "Te Maru Pūmanawa Kaiako Whaiaro Application - 'Paper(s) you're applying for' "

Applicants may be asked to participate in a short interview.

Any potential applicants seeking further clarification or wishing to discuss any aspect outlined above are welcome to contact Tautaiolefue Brad Watson (Deputy Warden) prior to considering and/or submitting an application. 

Tautaiolefue Brad Watson | E: [email protected] | M: 027 238 7334